How do I connect my Web3 wallet?
Updated over a week ago

You can make your security measures by linking a Web3 Wallet to your Rise account. With this added layer of protection, you can seamlessly engage in various actions, such as launching contracts, endorsing milestones and time entries, and initiating payments.

If you don't possess a Web3 Wallet, worry not. You can easily set up a Security Key within Rise during your onboarding process. For more detailed information, you can find additional resources here and here.

The process to get started is straightforward:

Locate the "Connect Wallet" section at the left-hand panel's lower portion. A simple click on this section will trigger the appearance of a modal window. Within this modal, you'll find all the Web3 Wallet options. Select the account owner by clicking on it, and the corresponding extension or pop-up will open.

With these steps, you're all set to dive into seamless connectivity!

A quick tip: You might encounter an error message resembling the following:

The wallet connected is not the owner. Therefore it can not act as a transaction signer. To circumvent this situation, the solution is to create Delegates. These Delegates empower your wallet to execute actions within the platform. Comprehensive instructions on adding delegates can be found here.

Should any queries arise regarding RiseID or linking a Web3 wallet to Rise, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. Your inquiries are welcomed and will be promptly addressed.

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