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Account Funding through Crypto on Rise
Account Funding through Crypto on Rise

Instructions on how to Bridge from Ethereum mainnet to Arbitrum and Funding your Rise Balance.

Updated over a week ago

If you're utilizing cryptocurrency to fund your Rise account, transitioning from Ethereum Mainnet to Arbitrum is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to guide you through the process:

1. Ensure USDC Availability on MetaMask:

Ensure your USDC tokens are on your MetaMask wallet within the Ethereum Mainnet.

2. Prepare a Small Amount of ETH:

Have a small quantity of ETH available to cover any costs associated with the funding transaction on Rise.

3. Navigating to the Bridge Page:

Access this specific page and connect your wallet. Select your L1 (Layer 1) balance as the source from there.

4. Obtain arbETH and arbUSDC:

Before proceeding with the funding process on Rise, ensure that you possess both arbETH and arbUSDC tokens.

5. Initiating Funding:

  • Head to the "Fund" section on Rise.

  • Explore the "Funding Options," which offer fiat and cryptocurrency choices.

For Cryptocurrency:

  • Opt for "Ethereum Arbitrum One (USDC)" and connect with your MetaMask wallet.

  • As part of the process, you'll need to set an allowance (approval) for the transaction.

6. Funding Your Account:

Click on the designated option to fund your Rise account. This action will initiate the funding transaction.

Note: For this transaction, you'll require a small quantity of arbETH (a few cents) and arbUSDC.

By following these steps, you'll effortlessly transition from Ethereum Mainnet to Arbitrum, facilitating the funding of your Rise account using cryptocurrency. Please contact our support resources if you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance. We're here to make your journey seamless and successful.

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