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What contracts need to be signed at sign-up?
What contracts need to be signed at sign-up?
Updated over a week ago

As you embark on your Rise journey and complete the registration process, it's important to note that contractors and customers must sign their unique Master Service Agreements. These agreements serve as cornerstone documents, encompassing vital insights about Rise's services. The convenience of accessing these agreements directly within your Documents section ensures an efficient and informed experience.

The Master Service Agreements encapsulate a comprehensive overview of Rise's service offerings. By diving into these agreements, you gain a deeper understanding of the services' scope, terms, and other essential details that pave the way for successful collaboration.

Accessible through the dedicated Documents section, your Master Service Agreement is just a few clicks away. This user-friendly feature enables swift retrieval, allowing you to peruse the agreement conveniently and ensure clarity.

Integrating the signing of Master Service Agreements into the registration process underscores Rise's commitment to transparency and collaboration. This step establishes a firm foundation for understanding roles, responsibilities, and expectations, fostering a harmonious and productive environment within the Rise community.

In Need of Further Assistance?

Should you seek clarification, additional details about the Master Service Agreements, or any guidance related to Rise's services, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our support team is dedicated to empowering you with the information you need to make the most of your Rise experience.

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